Anna Dethlefs
June 10, 1893
Manning Monitor

The Ladies' Cemetery Aid Society have prepared the following resolutions:
WHEREAS, That in the death of Mrs. Anna Dethlefs, God in His divine wisdom has removed from our number a beloved and faithful member; therefore be it
Resolved, That we sincerely regret her loss and extend our sympathies to the sorrowing husband and daughters.
Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of our society, and that a copy be presented to the family and to each of the local papers; Dethlef Grau, Chris Grube, Committee.

WHEREAS, God in His all wise supremacy, has seen fit to remove from her temporal home, the beloved wife of our brother, Peter Dethlefs, it is but just and fitting that Tentonia Lodge, No. 560, I.O.O.F., pay tribute, therefore, be it
Resolved, That we tenderly condole with our brother and his two bright little daughters in the loss of wife and mother.
Resolved, That these resolutions; bearing heartfelt testimonial of our sorrow and sympathy, be spread upon the records of this order, and a copy thereof be transmitted to the family of the deceased, and to the Monitor for publication.
C.H. Reinholdt, Dethlef Grau, Chris Grube, Committee.

Note Manning Cemetery tombstone records: Anna F. Dethlefs, August 4, 1856 to June 2, 1893, "Geb" (maiden name) Bachmann.

Anna Dethlefs is buried in the Manning City Cemetery.
Section B Row #36 north - south.