Chris Johansen Dies at Elkton, S.D.

Mr. Chris Johansen died at his home near Elkton, South Dakota at the age of 88 years, 10 months and 20 days and was buried on August 12th at the Elkton Cemetery with services at the Elkton Evangelic Lutheran church.

His wife who mourns his loss is also 88 years of age and is now totally blind. The family consisted of eight children six girls and two boys, but three girls, Anna, Katie and Lena and a son Henry have passed away, the remaining are John, Celia, Dora and Ella. He also leaves 30 grandchildren and 44 great grand children.

Those attending the funeral from Manning were Mrs. John Frahm, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Petersen and Donny, Mr. Hans Ohrt, Mrs. Herbert Kroeger and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Breckenridge.

Mrs. Johansen is one of four sisters, all over 80 years of age. They are Mrs. Mary Petersen, 83 years of Davenport, Ia.; Mrs. August Reimer, 85 of Manning; Mrs. Carsten Hoffman, 87 of Manning and Mrs. Chris Johansen, 88 of Elkton, South Dakota.