Elias Hollingsworth
June 15, 1905
Manning Monitor

Resolutions Of Respect
Whereas: it has pleased our Supreme Grand Master to call to the Celestial Lodge on high our worthy and esteemed brother, Elias Hollingsworth; and Whereas: we deem it eminently fitting that we record our appreciation of his friendship and brotherly love, and his untiring efforts in extending a helping hand to his brothers and friends in needs therefore be it

Resolved: that with deep sympathy for the bereaved relatives of the deceased. We hope this great loss to his family and brethren may rebound for good through him "who doeth all things well" and be it further

Resolved: that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of Manual Lodge No. 450 A. F. & A. M., copies sent to the bereaved family and to the Masonic Lodge at Shelton, Nebraska, also that they be published in the Manning Monitor.
William Metzger, U.L. Patton, J.A. Lewis, Committee

Whereas: we are called upon to mourn the death of our esteemed co-worker, Elias Hollingsworth: therefore be it
Resolved: that in the death of our brother, the members of the Order of Eastern Star have lost a valued and honored member: and be it further
Resolved: that this Chapter hereby tender their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family and friends, also that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes, a copy be sent to the family of the deceased, and to both the local papers.
In behalf of Salona Chapter No. 231 Order of Eastern Star.
Rose E. Wilson, R.R. Williams, Mrs. E. Hatheway, Committee.