Henry Kruse
October 28, 1898
Manning Monitor

Death of a Well Known Citizen.
Mr. Henry Kruse died on Thursday, October 20, 1898, at his late home seven miles northwest of here in Hayes Township, Crawford County. Mr. Kruse was born in Germany forty-two years ago. In 1866 he came with his parents to America. In 1881 he was married to the wife who, with six children, today mourn his departure. Mr. Kruse also leaves a father, one sister and one brother, all of whom reside in this vicinity. Mr. Kruse came to this section more than twenty years ago, and at the time of his death he was the possessor of a splendid estate. He was an honorable man and had a large circle of friends.

The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon and the remains were laid to rest in the Hayes Township cemetery. The funeral oration, which was delivered by Rev. William Martens, was published in Der Manning Herold today.

At a regular meeting of Tentonia Lodge No. 560 I.O.O.F., Manning, Iowa, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted
Whereas, it has pleased the great architect of the universe to remove from our midst our late brother Henry Kruse and Whereas, it is just that a fitting recognition of his many virtues should be had;
Therefore, he it resolved by Tentonia Lodge No. 560, while we now with humble submission to the will of the most high we do not the less mourn for our brother who has been taken from us,
Resolved, that in the death of Henry Kruse the lodge laments the loss of a brother who was ever ready to proffer the hand of aid the voice of sympathy to the needy and distressed, an active member of the society, a friend and companion who was dear to us all.
Resolved, that the heartfelt sympathy of the lodge be extended to his family in their affliction and that the charter of this lodge be draped in mourning for thirty days.
Resolved, that these resolutions be spread upon the records of the lodge and a copy thereof be transmitted to the family of our lamented brother and published in the Manning papers.
John Schnoor, Henry Sievers, Committee.