
Johan Lillehaug
AFS student from Norway

Host parents: Merlin & Delone Musfeldt

Message from Johan July 14, 2004
Dear friends in Manning.
A short note from a veteran of Manning High 1964. It was fun to see my picture on your web-site. It made me remember what a nice experience it was for me to spend a year in Manning now 40 years ago. It certainly made a great impact on my life and gave me friends that I still keep in contact with.

Just to tell you a little about where I am in life: I am still married to my wife Eirin (married in 1971) and we have a son (30) and a daughter (27). I am now a professor in biotechnology and Head of the Department of Molecular Biology at the University of Bergen. I am still enjoying sports and have spent a lot of time working as a volunteer for a local basketball club. This has been a lot of fun.
Bergen is a town located on the west coast of Norway and has a population of about 250K. It is a good place to live, very little crime and very close to both the mountains and the ocean. We enjoy skiing, a little bit of mountain biking and fishing when we are not working.

Work has over the years taken me many times to the States but recently, time and work in other European contries have not allowed me to visit the US much.
I hope the people of Manning is doing well and that the town still is hosting foreign exchange students who can enjoy your kind hospitality.
Best wishes from Johan (64)