Pastor Hattendorf 1961-68

Pastor and Mrs. Hattendorf arrived at Trinity during the first week of September, 1961, after serving a dual parish at Natoma and Plainville, Kansas. A get-acquainted church council meeting was held on Wednesday, September 6th, and the installation service was held on Sunday, September 10th, at 8:00 p.m.

The usual congregation and circuit activities then immediately occupied the pastor's time. On Monday evening, September 11th, for example, there was the first Train-Two program meeting, held at Lidderdale where the Rev. Wm. Landgraf, a former co-missionary with Pastor Hattendorf in the same field in India (1927-1945), served as pastor. On September 12th, the regular pastoral conference of the Carroll Circuit was held at St. John's, Audubon. Other regular activities then followed in order.

Pastor Hattendorf had his initial service at Trinity on Sunday, September 17th. At this service there was also a baptism: Darwin Charles Dammann was baptized in the name of the Triune God.

Opportunities for extensive growth and expansion at Trinity during Pastor Hattendorf s ministry were limited. Considerable attention was given to instruction and teaching, for example, through the Sunday School, the adult Sunday Bible class, adult instruction for membership where the opportunity arose, the Saturday School, and special confirmation instruction for the young, as well as the regular Sunday services.

Pastor Hattendorf conducted his last Sunday service at Trinity on February 25, 1968. He had served Trinity for six years and five months. At this last service, Craig Hansen, Sarah Kurth, and Wayne Noelck were confirmed. It was cause for particular joy to Pastor Hattendorf to close his ministry at Trinity with a confirmation service. His first service at Trinity had included an infant baptism.