Cemetery records

Re: Passick, Schmahl, Lamp, Joens -- Joyce C. Wicks

Posted by: David Kusel Joyce C. Wicks
Tue, Oct 02, 2001, 07:56:20


Hi Joyce,

Below are the Manning Cemetery records I was telling you about by e-mail.
Also ---- Jan Lahndorf is the Manning resident I was telling you about who is working on the Passick name in Manning.
Jan had already found your post when I contacted her by phone and she told me she had e-mailed you.
Hopefully the two of you will be able to "fill-in-the-blanks" on the Passick name for each other.

The information below was taken from the Iowa Genealogical Society booklet --- data was collected for the society by Ging Hudson of Manning.

This link will show you an aerial map and layout of the Manning Cemetery where Passicks are buried.

Each section is marked A, B, etc and the rows described below start in the North East corner of that section going north to south and the next row going south to north.
You'll notice the Lutheran church just north of the cemetery and Center street just west of the cemetery.

Section D Row 27 North to South

Passick, August 1891 - 1973
Passick, Otto 1859 - 1939
Passick, Sophia W. 1863 - 1919
Passick, Fred C. 1893 - 1919 PVT Co I 132 Inf Died in France

Dave Kusel

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