Lutheran Church Centennial book & Wilken Karsten

Re: vinke, henry and lena -- mary

Posted by: David Kusel
Mon, Mar 25, 2002, 09:34:14


Another place to look for information would be the Lutheran Church Centennial book I put on the web.

Centennial Book.



Marriage & Burials

You also asked about Wilken Karsten.
Section C Row 21 North to South
Wilken Karsten 1838 - 1914
Lena Karsten 1843 - 1918

The Cemetery information above was taken from the Iowa Genealogical Society booklet --- data was collected for the society by Ginger Hudson of Manning.

Each section is marked A, B, etc and the rows described above start in the North East corner of that section going north to south and the next row going south to north.
You'll notice the Lutheran church just north of the cemetery and Center street just west of the cemetery.

Dave Kusel

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