Re: Norma Claire Keairnes -- classmates

Re: Norma Claire Keairnes -- classmates -- Cathy Gaber

Posted by: Viola Joens Stangl
Fri, Apr 19, 2002, 21:35:26


Hi Norma Claire, I didn't get to the 50 year reunion. Sure did want to; but had conflicts with the date. My husband is in a Nursing home in Carlisle, Ia. He keeps wanting to come home; but I got to the point I couldn't care for him anymore. He is 91 years old. I know we weren't close friends in school; but did consider our whole class my friends. That's what's nice about a small school. I won't carry on. Just wanted to answer your querry. If you are interested in getting reaquainted send me an email. Would like to hear about your life and family. Sincerely, Viola Joens Stangl

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