Re: Husmann family

Re: Husmann family -- Diane Densmore

Posted by: Dave Kusel
Mon, Oct 07, 2002, 19:22:27


Hi Diane,
Here is the direct link you are trying to get to on the Zion Lutheran Church Burial records.
Remember to scroll down on the top frame to get to the burials.
There you will find Annie Katherine Husmann burial date of February 28, 1932 and 2 other Husmanns which are also listed below.

Below is the Manning Cemetery information on the Husmann family.

Section C Row #17 North to South
John Husmann March 6, 1884 - February 22, 1912
Husmann family Stone
Julius Husmann 1891 - 1953

Section C Row #18 South to North
Anna Husmann 1850 - 1935
Jurgen H. Husmann 1842 - 1926

Each section is marked A, B, etc and the rows described above start in the North East corner of that section going north to south and the next row going south to north.
You'll notice the Lutheran church just north of the cemetery and Center street just west of the cemetery.

The records I look at are listed in the Iowa Genealogical Society booklet --- data was collected for the society by Ging Hudson of Manning.

Hope this helps some.
Dave Kusel

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