Cemetery records

Re: bolte family -- Everett Houck

Posted by: David Kusel Dave
Mon, Nov 25, 2002, 00:15:37


Hi Everett,

Here are the cemetery records I found on Bolte.

Section A row #36 south - north
Heinrich F. Bolte March 30 1815 - ???? bottom of stone is in the ground -- can't read

Section B row #37 north - south
Bolte Family Stone

Section B row #38 south - north
Charlie W. Bolte March 24, 1875 - May 20, 1894

Section C row #19 north - south
Bolte Family Stone
A.C. Bolte March 29, 1844 - January 30, 1927
Emma Bolte (wife) July 16, 1847 - March 7, 1912

Section C row #20 south - north
Conrad T. Bolte 1878 - 1920

Section D row #29 north - south
Helen Bolte 1907 - 1990
Bolte Family Stone

Section D row #30 south - north
Herman W. Bolte 1875 - 1927
Anna Bolte 1882 - 1942

Each section is marked A, B, etc and the rows described above start in the North East corner of that section going north to south and the next row going south to north.

Hope this helps you some.
Dave Kusel

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