Mays name -- Gray Centennial book


Re: Charlotte Agusta Mays -- Roger Markley

Posted by: David Kusel
Tue, Sep 02, 2003, 21:52:34


Hi Roger,

There are no Mays names in the Manning Cemetery.
There is a May listing in Mt Carmel cemetery and Maze listing in Carroll city cemetery in Carroll county.

I have not run into any Mays names in my data I've collected -- at least none that I remember.

I can get you a copy of the Gray, IA Centennial book if you wish.
I have a copy of my own and there are still some for sale.
I think the price will be around $20.00.

If you want one I can get you a copy and send it to you.
I may put the Gray Centennial book on the Internet some day but that will probably not happen for a few years since I want to put other history book information on first.

Dave Kusel

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