Re: Mary (Bingham) McWilliams

Re: Mary (Bingham) McWilliams -- Lana Summerlin

Posted by: David Kusel
Wed, Nov 19, 2003, 02:15:56


Hi Lana,

McWilliams that are buried in the Manning City Cemetery

Section B Row 30 south - north
Mary F. McWilliams died June 27, 1889 wife of OE McWilliams
she was 19 years 9 months 18 days old

James G. McWilliams died August 17, 1889 son of OE & MF McWilliams
he was 2 months 17 days old

In section C Row 32 south - north
Cora McWilliams no dates daughter of FR and B McWilliams
she was 2 months old

The Manning Monitor will hopefully have the obituary on microfilm.
Since we know the exact date of death it will help to find it.
I'll see if I can find some time to look it up in the next few weeks or so on a rainy/snowy day.

Dave Kusel

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