Let me know if you can't get the 2 MP3 files linked below to play.
At first they would only play with Internet Explorer.
I tried to open them in my Pinnacle Studio and it wouldn't recognize the files.
So the recorder I purchased must be using a different codec that isn't compatible with most audio players - I'll have to go to their web site to see if they have a fix.

I was able to resolve the problem by converting the mp3 files from the recorder, with a converter program I downloaded - I just converted the mp3 file from the recorder to the same mp3 version format and that fixed the problem.
Always amazing at how people can design technology and create programs that aren't more universally compatible.

I've recorded so much Manning history over the decades that I've forgotten quite a bit I've done.
I was working with Janice Ress on Marion Ream's pictures she gave me to preserve.
After we were done Jan said I want you to listen to something with me.
She dug out her cassette player and tape and brought it over for us to play.
She said this is the copy you made for me of the 1981 Sisters of the Swish and Der Manning Liederkranz...
I had to think a little and sure enough I remember asking those groups to have a special recording session in the VFW Hall.
Down below are the two sides of the tape, along with the songs and vocalists.
It is totally amazing to listen to now. I believe the songs are playing just a little slow but still sound amazing for the technology of the time.
I purchased a $35 tape to USB recorder and will be converting some more audio cassettes, when I find them and hopefully find the original 1981 tape I made to see if it plays a little faster and clearer.
The Liederkranz songs are much better - probably because I reset the mic/stands and adjusted the recording levels a little lower after the Swish were done performing.

I used my 2 "voice" mics to record the close-up singers and the other voice mic to pick up the general sound of the group.
Later on when I started video taping more community events I started purchasing better mics that would pick up sound/songs/singing in the distance.
The voice mics were more designed for close-up speaking.
I had one mic set for the individual vocalists to sing into and another mic to pick up the group.

Oh if I only had the digital recorders back then that I have now!!!
BUT even with lower quality by today's standards - it is really fun to listen to the performers, several who are no longer living.
The Swish used kazoos, washboards, kettles & pots for drums, and homemade instruments to make the music.
Ruth Hiatt is a RIOT when she sings Good ole Mountain Dew - if you knew her she was a character the way it is and loved to act in community plays, so she was NEVER afraid to get up in front of the public!!!

Sisters of the Swish "Kitchen Band" 1981 Centennial

Centennial Sisters of the Swish
Esther (Anstoeter) Williams on the accordion
Diane (Dalgety) Genzen introduced some of the songs

Beer Barrel Polka
Roll Out the Barrell
Apple Peaches Pumkin Pie - Esther Williams
Wooden Heart - Darlene (Genzen) Vollstedt
Blue Skirt Waltz
Du Du liegst mir im Herzen - Ruth (Brady) Hiatt
Out Behind the Barn - Susan (Grundmeier) Schilling
Oh Lord, It's hard to be humble - Esther Williams
Lucille - Maureen (Williams) Halbur
Ei Ei Ei O Polka - Esther Williams
Mountain Dew - Ruth (Brady) Hiatt
Barbara Polka
Just Because - Darlene (Genzen) Vollstedt - duet with Esther Williams
In Heaven there is no beer - Beverly (Dalgety) Irlbeck
Hokey Pokey - Susan (Grundmeier) Schilling
Wabash Cannon Ball - Ruth (Brady) Hiatt with Arlo Pfannkuch on his "vacuum cleaner" whistle. Arlo sold vacuum cleaners and converted one to make whistle sounds.
Baby Face - Susan (Grundmeier) Schilling
Street Fair Polka
So Long

Sisters of the Swish & Der Manning Liederkranz
Der Manning Liederkranz
Becky Noble - director

Build a Mountain
After Dark, A Roving
Wait till the sun shines Nellie - Melvin Renze, Larry Genzen, ?3rd vocalist?
Good ole summertime
Battle Hymn of the Republic

If you were a member of the band or choir, please send me the names you remember who participated in 1981.
Here are some names I remember and more from Susie Schilling...
Sisters of the Swish: Janice Ress, Nancy (Stoberl) Stammer, Lila (Mohr) Schroeder, Elaine (Karsten) Struve, Marilyn (Vennink) Pfannkuch, Pam (Kusel) Kusel, Linda (Meggers) Frank, Lois (Weems) Wegner, Gertrude (Farley) Dammann, Rose Anne (Muhlbauer) Nulle, Marlys (Rutherford) Karsten, Elaine (Hansen) Schroeder, Virginia (Dammann) Johnson, Jan (Riesselman) Moore, Lucille (Lamp) Boell, Darlene (Haberl) Willenborg, Jan (Karsten) Lorenzen

Liederkranz: Claus Bunz, Nulle, Larry Schultes, Mike Ferneding, Tom Henderson, Gordell Lamp, Keith Kelderman, Richard Crandall, Lester Joens, Leroy Schultes, Kenneth Puck, Duane Monson, Arthur Rix, Ron Halbur, Raymond Pratt, Wesley Nulle, Warren Puck

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