1882 to 1982
Welcome to Aspinwall Centennial Book
On the Web!
If you have pictures that were used in the Aspinwall Centennial book please
email David Kusel
If so please contact me - I would like to make high resolution digital scans of your original pictures. Scanning
images from a book does not produce very good quality reproductions.
On the left you'll see pages of the Cenntennial book to click on.
The description gives you an idea of the subject matter and the number represents the
page/s in which it is on the Aspinwall Centennial book.
The pictures you'll see were scanned from the centennial book and are fairly small in size.
In order to get the whole Centennial book on the web I had to keep the file sizes of the images
small but you'll at least get an idea from the photos of how the times have changed in the Aspinwall area.
1882-1982 Aspinwall Centennial History Book cover
If you have questions about Aspinwall history, Aspinwall citizens or former Aspinwall citizens please
go to The Manning
Exchange and post a message with your questions.