Taken from the Iowa Agricultural Report 1888
William Larrabee -- Govenor of Iowa

A review of the condition of agriculture for the year necessarily includes moral, and educational and commercial influences. Agriculture is the basis of all material wealth, and it meets reciprocally all those elements which enter into the life of the mind and soul, and aids in their development. The season was favorable in all respects for the perfection of the crops suited to the soil and climate of Iowa; all farm stock was surrounded by the most fortunate conditions; the drought of the preceding years was broken by timely rains, drowning out the chinch bug, filling the streams and rivers and pools, and covering waste or uncultivated places with luxuriant herbage. There was unusual exemption from disease among farm animals and there were no epidemics among our population except in localities very narrow in extent. Storms and cyclones here and there destroyed property or damaged the crops; but the loss was small and there was compensation in the greater abundance that filled the barns and cellars and storehouses and stock pens everywhere.

There was practically no winter until the days after Christmas. The eastern coast suffered untold losses of property and many precious lives by fierce storms in November and December. Kansas had November snows; Dakota had quick and piercing icy blasts; California extremes of dust and wind; Florida the yellow fever; while over Iowa was perpetual sunshine, cool, bracing airs, splendid roads, general good health, and the activities of trade and work belonging to such delightful conditions. The approach of Thanksgiving day made it appropriate to say that thanksgiving and gratitude were due to God for his goodness. The President said: "With loving kindness he has constantly led us in the way of prosperity and greatness. He has not visited with ]swift punishment our shortcomings, but with gracious care he has warned us of our dependence upon his forbearance" And so our people rejoiced and gave thanks that day not as a meaningless ceremony, but with glad hearts and tuneful voices of praise.