It the rate of improvement in cattle for the next quarter of a century corresponds with the last twenty-five years, Iowa will be the Mecca toward which fine stock investors from ocean to ocean, from the Mohawk Valley to the famed Blue-grass region, will be found wending their way in days to come. These enthusiastic words by President McHugh fairly illustrate what Iowa men are doing to improve the breeds of cattle, and, through them, the general stock of the State. The spirit of grading up the stock is healthy and commendable. It is not a mere passing notion, to perish with even a very high degree of attainment. Each man, according to his prejudice or his education, has choice of breeds, claiming his own the best. There is no fault to be ,found with a sentiment like that. The fact remains that the Short-Horns maintain the pre-eminence-then follow the Herefords, Polled-Angus and Jerseys. The Devons are of the past, and so, practically, are other breeds that for a time were the fashion. Yet there has not been a thoroughbred animal of any of the recognized breeds, whether in the ascendancy then and under neglect now, but what has been of good influence in raising the scrubs to a higher plane. If, perchance, no material benefit was apparent from the introduction of the Ayrshire, Galloway, Holstein, etc., there was aroused by this-new infusion an intellectual effort to improve the stock, and grade up by any and all means, that is worth everything in these times of progress.

It was not long ago - not over thirty years-when cattle were turned out in the spring, lank, thin and unsightly, the product of the common herd, and early in the fall the steer would bring $10, which would buy eight acres of land. To day, a $30 steer, after eating 50 bushels of corn at 30 to 40 cents a bushel, and living on $10 a ton hay, will hardly buy an acre of land. Thus the times change, and the change is ever for the better.

In general terms, cattle have been free from diseases. Inquiry in June brought replies from many correspondents, and here is the result:

Adair county reports blackleg among calves; Ida county, great loss from blackleg; Poweshiek county, many calves dying and cattle suffering from throat disease; Ringgold county, blackleg among yearlings, all fatal cases; Taylor county, cattle dying from an unknown disease-die in about twenty-four hours after showing the first symptoms; Howard county, cattle have died from the want of feed. Many report the stock. in poor condition.

Six counties alone show existence of disease among cattle. October 17th came a report from Poweshiek county, which is presented in full from the minuteness of the account of the disease:

The herd of Mr. Mahlon F. Gray, of Jefferson township, was attacked by a mysterious disease by which he had lost, up to Monday morning, eight head. Peter H. Searl lost one, and several others belonging to other parties have been attacked with the same disease. A careful examination by Donald Frazer reveals the fact that their intestines appear to be in their normal condition until they reach what is commonly known as the manifolds. These are baked so hard that no passage can be made through them, the contents being so hard that they can be broken like chalk. The animal first shows the disease by dragging the limbs on one side, soon after seeking retirement and lying down. It then begins to breathe hard, soon after developing into a kind of thumping breath and soon after dies. These cattle have been running on good pastures, have had plenty of water, and no cause can be given for that fatal disease.

The inspection of all herds by skilled veterinary surgeons at different intervals has been suggested. It is claimed that by such a measure the spread of infectious diseases might be the more readily prevented. It is affirmed that scientific effort would at once determine the existence of disease, and prompt action could be taken to destroy all animals infected and to quarantine all that may be under suspicion. This plan would increase the number of the laws, already burdensome, and make additional officers of the law, already too numerous. It would add to the already great weight carried by the government through the people and take away from the individual citizen that much more of his personal obligation to use all his faculties for the benefit of the commonwealth. It is another step to paternalism in the management of the ordinary affairs of the people.

There is yet a large following of the teaching that we are governed too much.