For some unknown reason this 1888 book did not include the markets of my county of Carroll so I included Crawford county which is directly to our west.


Corn-Yellow and mixed Dent; average yield per acre, 40 bushels; price, 20 cents per bushel; average quality; 15 per cent decrease.

Wheat-Fife, White Russian; average yield per acre, 12 bushels; price, 80 cents per bushel; inferior quality; 25 per cent decrease.

Oats-White and mixed; average yield per acre, 40 bushels; price, 18 cents per bushel; poor quality, 10 per cent increase.

Rye-Winter; average yield per acre, 15 bushels; price, 35 cents per bushel; poor.

Barley-Russian; average yield per acre, 40 bushels; price, 45 cents per bushel; fair quality; 5 per cent increase.

Buckwheat-None raised.

Flax-Russian; average yield per acre, 15 bushels; price, $1.00 per bushel; quality good; slight increase.

Potatoes-Beauty of Hebron, Late Rose; average yield per acre, 125 bushels; price, 25 cents per bushel; good quality.

Sorghum-Amber; average yield per acre, 80 gallons; price, 50 cents per gallon; good quality; crop decreasing.

Timothy Hay-Average yield per acre, 2 tons; price, $5.00 per ton; good quality.

Clover Hay-None.

Prairie Hay-Average yield per acre, 2 tons; price, $1.00 per ton; good quality.

Tirmthy Seed-Very little raised.

Clover Seed-None.

Millet seed-Average yield per acre, 40 bushels; price, 30 cents per bushel; good quality.,

Horses--Principal breeds, Clydesdale, Norman, Percheron, Morgan and Cleveland Bay; general improvement; 100 imported during the year; 200 exported; Clydesdale and Normans most sought after; average price per head, $125.00; no disease; number assessed, 10,919.

Cattle-Principal breeds, Short-Horns, Herefords, Polled-Angus, Holsteins and Jerseys; Short-Horns, Herefords and Polled-Angus preferred for beef, Jerseys for dairy; number imported, 100; decided improvement; market price of beef cattle 4 to 4j cents per pound; principally shipped to Chicago; average price of milk cows, $25.00 to $35.00 each; no disease among stock; number assessed, 40,592.

Swine-Principal breeds, Poland-China, Berkshire, Duroc and Chester Whites; Poland-China are most popular; much improvement in quality; supply less than in 1887; price of fat hogs, $5.00 per hundred; shipped to Chicago and Omaha; some hog cholera prevails; number assessed, 45,546.

Sheep-Very few raised; number assessed, 627; principal discouragement, land too valuable for raising sheep; wool 20 cents per pound; mutton sheep 4 cents per pound; shipped to Chicago; health good.


The weather in the early part of season was comparatively dry, but owing to the peculiar composition of the soil, drought, unless of very long continuation, does but little damage. Later wet weather caused rust in oats, weakening the straw and causing them to fall. The crop is not only short but of poor quality. Corn good and yielding well.

The planting of artificial groves and hedges is still continued. Hedges confined almost exclusively to willow, as Osage-Orange winter kills. Farmers continue planting fruit trees, and while /many have orchards grown and matured there is a very unsatisfactory condition, owing to a blight which has affected the trees. Leaves first wither and trees finally die. Many orchards have been depleted at least one-half by blight. Small fruits of all kinds is a decided success.

The introduction of road-graders has created a complete revolution in the condition of roads. They are the best machine for putting roads in good condition that has come under our observation. The business men of Denison put a grader to work on the roads outside of city limits, putting in fine condition about fifteen miles of road, and have received the highest praise from the farmers visiting the place. They propose continuing same next season.

Herd law is in force, but many farmers fence their land for their own convenience. Drainage is not required, as the surface is rolling and selfdraining.

Our people take great interest not only in style of building but in ornamentation of the home, in many places can be seen the fine house of modern architecture, and in the back-ground the old sod or unpretentious wooden structure that housed the family in by-gone days.

VP. A. McHenry, who has a large stock farm some eight miles from Denison, has now opened a farm adjoining this place for breeding Aberdeen Angus cattle. On this farm he has a fine herd of this celebrated cattle.

No injury to crops from insects.

Actual loss of stock by barb wire small, but damage great. It is almost impossible to find a horse raised in the county that does not bear the mark of barb wire.

There is some cholera among hogs, but the loss is not so great as informer years. Improved lands worth from $20.00 to $40.00 per acre.

The law restraining stock from running at large is in force.

We need manufactories. Such as paper mills and canning factories would receive the aid of our people. Poultry raising is receiving some attention.

Eggs shipped from this place by Geo. I. Nicholson, 100,000 dozen; he has also shipped 150,000 pounds of butter.

The fair was held September 18th, 19th and 20th. Could we get the farmers to take the interest in the matter that they ought to it could be made one of the best in the State.