Everyone who is a descendent of John & Anna is also my relation and I'm looking for anyone who has old Popp & Manning pictures and information to scan into my Manning Historical Preservation Database.
Claus Friedrick and Magdelena (Pieper) Sachleben Pieper is pronounced "peeper"
(Anna Sachleben) married John Popp
(Sophia Sachleben) married Detlef Grau - David Kusel's ancestry
1 John Popp
Anna Sachleben
2 Detlef Carl Lawrence Popp
Frederika Jentzen
3 William Popp
Bertha Schluter
(Helen) married Leslie Sieve - Darrell, Bruce, Dale
(Evelyn) married Elmer Schroeder - Karen, Allen, Linda
(Vernon) married Fern Molnberg - Sandra
(Lester) married Mae Peters - Brenda, Suzanne, Lorene, Brian
(Leonard) married Mavis Paulsen - Steven, Lonnie
(Arlene) married Edward Holstein
3 Anna Popp
Amos Epsen
(Evelyn) married Norbert Nieland
(Janice) married Orville Auen
3 Detlef Popp
Laura Hinze
(Elvin) married Jaenice Stoelk - Patsy
(Muriel) married Russell Backus - Sandra, Marsha
(Marvin) married Mae Wenzel - Marvel, Marcus, Ron
(Phyllis) married Don Wilson - Sherry, Michael
(Russell) married Margaret Singsank - Cheryl, Russell, James, Laurie
3 Mamie Popp
Bertram Eich
(Roger) married Virgene Schacht - Jim, Mike, Mark, Monica, Connie
(Lyle) married Colleen Derner - Steve, Bruce
(Allan) married Ruth Schmidt - Lynn, Pam, Keith, Teresa
3 Otto Popp
Esther Jensen
(Marilyn) married Billie Nelson - David, Todd, Scott, Jane, Sarah, Barbara
(Larry) married Kathleen Wagner - Martin, Matt
3 Henry Popp
Ann Frahm
(Robert) married Delores Winerhof - Gregory, Keith
(Richard) married Marilyn Spieker - Michelle, Richard, Kristin
3 Esther Popp
Louis Bohnsack
(Virgene) married Bernhard Hollander - Ronnie, Joanne,
Lynn, Bernice, Tracy, Robin
(Lou) married Elenore Paton - James, Janice
3 Erwin Popp
Eldren Ranniger
(Virgil) married Marlene Ocean
(Eugene) married Marilyn Leslie
(Joanne) married Earl Lippold
(Duane) married Margaret Tompkins
(Darold) married Janet Swolley
(Carol) married Arthur Malloy
(Marlene) married Max Pangburn
(Eldon) married Sandra Nelson
(Dallas) married Debra Osbahr
3 Elmer Popp
Leora Martens
(Neoma) married John Vanderheiden
(Betty) married Virtus Pittmann
(Janice) married Allen Jensen
(Gloria) married Wayne Halbur
3 Louis Popp
Lanora Rowedder
3 Wilma Popp
George Wiese
(Jim) married Nancy Baker
(Paul) married Carolyn Pingel
(Mary) married Ron Rydberg
Here is a generational breakdown to simplify how the Grau & Popp families are connected
Claus Friedrick and Magdelena (Pieper) Sachleben - parents of Anna & Sophia
Sisters: Anna Sachleben Popp (John) - Sophia Sachleben Grau (Detlef)
1st Cousins: Detlef Popp (Frederika Jentzen) - August Grau (Maria Hansen)
2nd Cousins: William Popp (Bertha Schluter) - Ida (Grau) Kusel (August)
3rd Cousins: Helen Popp (Leslie Sieve) - Amos Kusel (Dorothy Ehrichs)
4th Cousins: Dale Sieve - David Kusel
In case you are not familiar with my historical preservation work or new to my web pages, here are just two old generation pictures I have.
Here is one of the Detlef Popp pictures from a collection sent to me from a Popp descendent in Montana...it was actually this collection that gave me the clues to discover the
Sachleben connections between the Popp and Grau families.
Detlef and Sophia (Sachleben) Grau