The little things in life are what use to mean something - will we learn from the lessons of the past?
As I continue digging through the various boxes of Ohde history, I find all kinds of little interesting items.
A lot of this stuff generally gets thrown away by families but it is
fun to find some of these things that still exist in some collections.
One item is this little story below that was written by Ruth Ohde when she was 9 years old.
As I was reading it there were the usual topics written that you would expect from a 9 year old but when I got to the last line I was surprised by it.
It is little items like this story that I'll be using in the Manning Veterans' history book. They will help tell the story of a particular war era.
I still have plans for a 2 volume Manning Veterans' history book because of all of the names and information I have in my database, but sadly the younger generations
(Vietnam to present day) are not coming forward so I will have extra room for this little story and other military related items that aren't necessarily
connected to a specific Manning Veteran.
I'm still actively seeking pictures and information for the various Veterans but it is up to them and/or family members to help out and come forward...otherwise they probably won't
be featured in the books.
What Christmas Means To Me.
What does Christmas mean to me a nine year old? Christmas is the time that Jesus Christ was born. We will always remember this day because Jesus came to take away our sins.
Christmas is when people go to church and really listen to the services and sing joyfully.
Christmas is fun in another way when you receive and give presents. Christmas is fun when Santa Claus comes too because the little kids have fun opening the presents.
I have fun opening and watching the people that I gave gifts to.
I hope this is the last Christmas that we spend in war.
by Ruth Ohde
Note: this is in reference to the start of the Korean War in 1950
Next you can see one of those certificates that was common over the years for children who attended Sunday School.
The first image shows how
badly it has deteriorated and the second image after I digitally restored it.
Bernice Dethlefs - Promoted
Bernice would have been 7 years old...
Bernice (Dethlefs) Ohde "Clubwoman of the Year"
William F. Ohde report cards for 7th & 8th grade
Bill 1954 Fireman
Bill served on a lot of local and area boards/committees and helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years...not to mention the countless hours of volunteering.
Iowa Area Development group - just one example of his service to the community.
Nothing exciting about building a shed - not until you look in the background, and also observe who was involved.
Shed built at 66 East Street in 1970 - now the property of Rick & Georgia (Dethlefs) Lohrmann
In the
background is the original Milwaukee RR bridge, with Glen Kusel and his case dozer.
Manning Ready Mix
John Ohde & Paul Vetter - construction
Emil Ruhde of "Ruhde & Jahn" nailing the plate
One of Bill & Bernice's friends - Woodrow Reinholdt MHS 1935
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