Russell Mohr
June 1, 1931 - July 17, 2020
Russell Mohr U.S. Navy June 1, 1949
Visitation Friday, July 24, 2020 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Zion Lutheran Church - Manning, Iowa
Additional visitation will be held at the church from 9:30 - 10:15 A.M. on Saturday
Funeral Service Saturday, July 25, 2020 10:30 AM Zion Lutheran Church - Manning
Burial Manning Cemetery
Dahn & Woodhouse Funeral Home
Lincoln No. 2 Audubon County
Page 141 of the Manning Schools history book
Louise Mohr
Allen Mohr
Back: Louise Bruhn, Herbert Dammann,
Russell Mohr, Dennis Drees, Marjorie Drees
Middle: Louise Mohr, Donald Dammann
Front: Raymond Thielen, Lyle Drees, Merlin Drees, William Bruhn, Melvin Thielen, Allen Mohr
Circa 1943
Back: Virginia Swank, Louise Bruhn, Russell Mohr, Robert Mohr
Middle: Melvin Thielen, Verna Swank, Louise Mohr, Donald Dammann
Front: Ray Thielen, Allen Mohr
North wall of Lincoln No. 2 circa 1948
Back: Louise Mohr, Marjorie Drees
Third: William Bruhn, Lyle Drees, Merlin Drees, Melvin Thielen, Donald Dammann, Allen Mohr
Second: Janice Drees, Gary Handlos, Raymond Thielen, Allen Overgaard?
Front: Marjorie Thielen, Linda Handlos
1949 MHS graduates: Orrin Asmus, Vernon Asmus, Louis Bohnsack, Dick Clark, Melvin Clothier, Deloris Dammann, Herbert Dammann,
George Doyel, Gaillard Frank, Mary Jane Grage, Virgene Grimm, Gerald Grundmeier, Sally Grundmeier, Delores Hammer, Lyle Hansen, Lyle Jahn,
Bobbie Dale Johnson, Mary Ann Kasperbauer, LeRoy Kienast, Jerry Knaack, Don Louisfield, Don Middendorf, Don Mohr, Iva Mohr (salutatorian), Donna
Neubaum, Beverly Ochsner, Bill Opperman, Danny Lee Peters, Marie Ploog, Hugo Ress, Rose Ann Rix, Leo Rostermundt, Mary Ann Rothfolk, Richard Schrum,
Roy Schrum, Dorothy Sextro, Lois Wilhelm (valedictorian)
1949 former students: Mickey Addison, LaVonne Armstrong, Lloyd Barnes, Joyce Bliefert, Rolland Campbell, Raymond Chipman, Bobby Colton,
Patty Cramer, Marilyn Davis, Flora Ann Dethlefs, Ronald Fritz, Alfred Grau, LaRue Hagge, Lyle Harder, Betty Hargens, Bobby Hargens, Raymond Hiatt, Patricia Hinkle,
Bill Kennedy, Louis Kuhn, Virginia Lee, Russell Mohr,
Dorothy Moore, Wesley Nulle, Jean Parker, Neoma Popp, Julia Reimers, Shirley Robinson, Bob Rothmeyer,
Donald Sander, Marilyn Sander, Marlene Sander, Donald Slates, Erwin Stoelk, JoAnne Voss, Arlys Wegner, Carol Jean West, Gene Winans, Buelah Wolfe
Russell Mohr, Marian Kasperbauer, Iva Mohr, LeRoy Kienast
Back: Louie Bohnsack, Richard Schrum, Gaillard Frank,
Russell Mohr, Leroy Kienast, Lyle Hansen, Dick Clark
Middle: Roy Schrum, Don Louisfield, Gerald Grundmeier, Hugo Ress Jr. Jerry Knaack, Bill Opperman, Lyle Jahn
Front: Don Middendorf, Herb Dammann, Bob Rothmeier, Bob Johnson, Melvin Clothier, Dan Peters, Don "Tom Cat" Mohr
Country and town school notes
From the 2006 Manning Quasquicentennial history book:
Back: Rhonda, Jeff, Jim
Front: Joan, RussRuss, son of George and
Christina (Sonksen) Mohr, was born in Audubon County on June 1, 1931. Russ graduated in 1949 and enlisted in the Navy, serving until 1954.
Joan, daughter of John and Ella (Mordhorst) Rowedder was born at the Manning General Hospital on June 7, 1933. Joan graduated from Manning High
School in 1951 and worked at Thrifty Foods for four years.
Russ and Joan were married in 1955. Russ worked for Wiese & Sons for six years and then worked for George Opperman for four years. In 1965,
Russ and Joan moved to the Herman Sonksen farm, where they farmed for thirty-three years. In October of 1989, they retired and moved to their
home on Nishnabotna Drive in Manning, Iowa.
Russ and Joan have four children all born in the Carroll Hospital in Carroll, Iowa: Jim, Jay (born September 13, 1958, died in 1997), Jeff, and Rhonda.
April 14, 1946 Zion Lutheran Confirmation class
Back: Russell Mohr, Ardella Frahm, Charles Fielweber
Middle: Dan Peters, Donna Neubaum, Lois Wilhelm, Lyle Hansen
Front: Dorothy Lake, Rosemary Hinz, Pastor John Ansorge, Mary Ann Rothfolk, Neoma Popp
From the 2006 Manning Quasquicentennial history book:
Russell enlisted in the U.S. Navy June 1, 1949 and took basic training in San Diego, California.
He served aboard Pickaway APA 222 and went through the
Panama Canal twice while aboard this ship.
Russ was discharged May 31, 1950 at Seattle, Washington, and was put in an inactive reserve.
He was recalled to active duty May 14, 1952 aboard the USS Graffias AF-29. This was a refrigeration ship. They replenished the ships off the coast of
Korea underway with food supplies in a cargo net. It wasn't unusual to have an aircraft carrier on one side and a battle ship on the other side and sending
food across at 2 stations on each ship.
While aboard Russ received the following ribbons: National Defense, Korean Service, United Nations,
Navy Unit Commendation and two silver stars. GMM3 Mohr was discharged January 19, 1954. Russ considered it a pleasure to serve his country.
God Bless America.
USS Graffias AF-29
Children of Chris & Marie (Nuppnau) Mohr
Back: Elsie Siem,
George, Emil
Front: Verna Wegner, Leona Asmus, John "Jack"
Chris & Marie Nuppnau Mohr wedding January 26, 1898
Back: George, Emil, John "Jack," Elsie
Middle: Verna, Christian, Sr., Kenneth, Marie, Leona
Front: Marcella, Christian, Jr.
One generation back from Christian & Marie - not sure who is who or not born yet.
Frederick & Marie (Kruse) Mohr - Kiel Germany
Fredrich Mohr born August 14, 1830
Wilhelmina (Marie/Mary in obits) Kruse born in Germany died October 5, 1913
Children: Otto, Chris, John, George of Manning, and Peter of Ute, Margaretha - Mrs. Fred Ronnfeldt
Christina (Sonksen) Mohr
1951 Industrial Day parade - George Mohr
Homecoming George Mohr with Jim Mohr
1971 Children's Day - George Mohr
1973 Homecoming George Mohr
Franklin Mohr WWII/Korea
Allen Mohr MHS 1956
Louise Mohr MHS 1952
Sandra Mohr MHS 1961
Louise Julien Mohr-Fahey, Mishler
Louise was inducted into the U.S. Air Force in February 1956.
She graduated from the University of Iowa Practical Nursing Program in
1955 on a scholarship and then worked at Manning Hospital until she entered the military. She went to San Antonio, Texas for nine weeks
of basic training and was then assigned as a surgery tech at the Travis Air Force Hospital. Louise was the first female enlisted person to have
that assignment at that time.
A/2C Mohr was discharged on December 1958. She has four brothers who served in the military: Franklin, Robert, Russell & Allen.
Paw Prints Staff
Back: Nick Drees, Rhonda Mohr
Front: Toni Dammann, Mr. Steve Hanley
They met on Monday mornings to discuss the Paw Prints
Then on Monday & Tuesdays after school laid out the paper
Don Wurr, Jay Mohr
Jeff Mohr, Jay Mohr, Jim Mohr
Rhonda Mohr & Jim Hinners MHS 1981
Jay Mohr - MHS Paw Prints photographer
Robert Mohr family
Myra Schroeder & Robert Mohr
Rhonda Mohr MHS 1981
George Mohr, Rhonda Mohr, Christina Mohr
Jay Mohr #59
Seventh Grade - Jay Mohr #64
Jim Mohr with Frank Handlos and his baler
Brad Bjorkgren, Jeff Mohr, Jim Opperman, Steve Phillips
Jay Mohr 1966
Jim Mohr 1966
Jay Mohr MHS 1977
Jim Mohr MHS 1975
Dennis & Joan Ramsey, Jim & Cherrie (Ramsey) Mohr, Joan & Russell Mohr
Russ, Rhonda, Joan
Carolyn Renze, Rhonda Mohr
Russell Mohr 2011-14 Manning Legion commander
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