Carroll Times and Carroll Sentinel, September 3, 1914 - Manning activity.
Fred Miller, of Carroll, was seen on our streets Monday.
Miss M. Daily and nephew, Curtis Stuhr, left for Mason City last Saturday.
Adam Waldschmidt, of Hartington, Nebraska, is visiting in Manning at present.
Claus Moeller, of Springfield, Minnesota, is here visiting with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. William Shirk are the proud parents of a baby boy born one day last week.
Mrs. Julius Rix returned last week from her two weeks visit in Springfield, Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rix and children, of Arcadia, visited Sunday with their cousin, Henry Sievers, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. George Memhardt and Miss Hey were in Manning Saturday
and Sunday taking in the Kriegerfest (Veterans of Germany celebration).
Mrs. Chester Babcock, who lives near Carroll, visited one day last week with Mr. Louis Babcock and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Anton and Mr. and Mrs. Fike Anton, of near Westside, visited with Peter Rix and family, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffmann and sons, Walter, Harry, and Teddy, left for the lake Wednesday to spend the rest of the week.
Last Monday fire broke out in the barn on the August Reimer farm. The origin of the fire is unknown. Mr. August Ploen lives on the farm.
The Ladies Aid Society of the M.E. Church was entertained last Wednesday afternoon at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hockett.
Miss Anna Kerkhoff, of Maquoketa who has been visiting for some time with her sister, Mrs. Fred Kortum, returned to her home Saturday morning.
Misses, Bertha and Emma Schultz, of Stockton, Iowa, are visiting with their sister, Mrs. Herman Ahrendsen, and with their cousin, Mrs. Claus Nielsen.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mohr, of Arcadia, visited with Joe Heider and family and with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Eckholdt, and also took part in the Kriegerfest.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lehmkuhl, of Wisner, Nebraska, are here visiting with H.P. Hansen and family and also
helped Manning celebrate the Kriegerfest.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kempf, of Audubon, visited last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kempf, Sr., and with
his brother, Charley, and sister, Mrs. George Dau.
Mrs. Henry Grau, Sr., was taken to Omaha last week and was operated on for some spinal trouble with which she has
suffered a long time. At this writing she is doing fine.
Mrs. G.W. Pencker died at Wolsey, South Dakota, and was shipped here for burial at the Hayes Township Cemetery.
She was the mother of our townsman Mr. John Pencker.
Frederick Jacob Jansen, of Dallas, South Dakota, is here visiting with his old friends. His former home was in
Manning, (son of Claus & Frederica Jansen) and he also took great interest in the Kriegerfest, for he is an old German soldier.
We are sorry to state that Mrs. John Fonken (Doretta Koch) is quite sick at present and
not expected to live. The children have all been called to her bed side, but
she does not seem to know them. She is 79 years of age.
While Emil Albert was out riding one evening last week, he in some way lost control of his car and it tipped over,
throwing him out and breaking his arm. He was very fortunate in not being hurt more seriously.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffmann were greatly surprised last Tuesday evening by a number of their friends who came to
their home with loaded baskets to remind them of their deep friendship for
them. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffmann will soon leave Manning for California where they
will make their future home. Mr. Hoffmann has disposed of his business to his
son, Henry, who at present lives in Harlan but will come here to live. Mr.
Hoffmann has been a business man of Manning for thirty-one years. We wish them happiness in their new home.
Nels Wiese came very near being in a bad train accident Wednesday when the Great Western passenger coming from Omaha at
noon hit his buggy while on the grade crossing leading away from the Charles Schuenemann farm home.
High weeds hid the train and before Nels knew it he was thrown violently from his buggy. One
horse was badly injured, the harness cut and the buggy smashed. Nick Schrum and
Otto Paysen, who live near, came out and assisted Nels to get on the train. He was brought to Manning, and
although no bones were broken he has a number of black and blue spots.