I've been a proverbial skeptic my whole life - some said I argued a lot in school.
When I hear anyone make an emphatic statement about a topic I just turn my head and don't bother with them - to avoid a senseless argument.
If you would challenge their statement, most of these type of people will immediately take offense and then spout some sophomoric information based on "their" life's experiences and/or then site something they read/heard in the news.
The other thing they will do is call you racist or anti-science, etc...
It is fairly easy today to tell what a person's politics are and what news sources they watch/listen to, simply by visiting with them for a few moments and you'll soon hear their biases.
This spring I was visiting with someone and they made an emphatic statement that the wind is much stronger this spring now more than ever before.
I just love the word "ever" when used in situations like this - do you mean over "all-time?"
So I decided to do some checking. One state website made this statement "windiest winter since 1987" so this isn't an "ever" situation and just one state's situation.
Then I looked for Iowa's wind status and a Des Moines website that records wind speeds at the airport stated that between January and April, the average daily wind speed was 1 MPH above average.

September 2022 update For most of July and all of August and even starting in September, we have had unsually calm days - similiar to the drought period of the mid-1970s.
Lack of strong daily winds and storms is generally typical during drought periods where there is little ground moisture to evaporate and help build up the thunderstorms, as during wet periods...I don't hear those folks who were claiming claiming earlier in the year how windy it has been this year and NOW saying - GEE it is very unusually calm.

I've been an "outdoors" person my whole life - and one of my experiences is with agriculture and I remember every spring as a challenge when trying to spray fields because of the strong winds. One that comes to mind was in the 1990s and we weren't able to spray for 2 weeks - the wind didn't even slow down overnight.
I also remember many fall harvests that we were very concerned with fires in the fields while harvesting corn - we would get out our tanker or maybe even not combine until the wind slowed down some. On several different harvests I would disk a fire break around our farm place.
So to me strong winds are NORMAL based on my experiences over the decades.

I don't claim to be an expert on anything and none of this information in this feature proves or disproves anything, but sadly way too many people today look at ONLY information from their biased sources and their political perspectives and not from "real" scientific information - simply ignoring common sense.
As a fifth generation farmer in an agricultural state, when I hear all of the "WOKE" and "GREEN" attacks on rural America and agriculture, it is time to fight back.
I could go on and on with all kinds of examples and experiences from my life how these anti-Americans are trying to destroy rural American and the United States as a whole, but most people couldn't care less, so I'll show various historical and factual situations to hopefully give some people a different perspective - if they are open minded.

This is just one front page example from our past and is very interesting how timely these facts of the past can be compared to right now and these articles are not just about our climate/weather!

July 13, 1936 front-page headline
Carroll Daily Herald, July 13, 1936
Mercury Hits 107 Degrees In Carroll This Afternoon As Extreme Heat Continues
Last Night One Of The Coolest In Last Week Here
Predicted Rains Fail To Materialize In Midwestern Area

The mercury threatened to reach the season's record in Carroll this afternoon when it climbed to 107 degrees by 2 o'clock and continued climbing.
At 12:30 it was 105 1/2 and was climbing at the rate of about 1 degree an hour. The season's high mark of 112, reached here July 4.
There was one encouraging note in the weather report, however. Last night was the coolest in a week, the mercury dipping to 72 degrees. For the last week the minimum during the night has ranged from 75 to 80.
It was 105 in Carroll yesterday afternoon.
Des Moines (AP) Iowa baked again today - 11th consecutive day of it record-breaking hot spell - as promised relief still withheld its benefits.
A rapid advance in the death toll of humans, fired pasture lands and grain fields, attested the effects of a week-end when temperatures again were above the 100 mark.
For a number of communities it was their hottest week-end on record for the time of year. Again today thermometers started their climb early and were expected during the day to approach within a few degrees of yesterday's tops.
Hopes for relief by tomorrow or Wednesday received a setback when rains, forecast for other sections of the Midwest, failed to materialize.
Waukon, Iowa, received a beneficial local shower, however, Iowa's only precipitation for the weekend.
The weather bureau varied its forecast of the past week only slightly in announcing: "Generally fair tonight and Tuesday except unsettled in the northwest portion. Not so warm in northwest."
The prospect for a downturn in northwest Iowa hinges on indications for increasing cloudiness, which may or may not bring local thunder showers, C.D. Reed explained.

The season's attendance record at the Carroll swimming pool was broken Sunday when 786 persons entered the water to seek relief from the 105-degree temperature.
That was the largest attendance so far this year and is surpassed only by the attendance the day the pool first opened, when more than 800 entered the water.

July 13, 1936 front-page

Heat Victim Has Body Temperatures Of 109
Marshalltown, Iowa, (AP) Three deaths directly attributed to the heat, were recorded here today and Sunday.
Severt Osvog, 65, died in local hospital 10 minutes after police had been called to remove him from his lodging house. He had a body temperature of 109 at the time of his death.
Two members of the Iowa soldiers' home here, both passed 90 years of age, died Sunday of heat prostration and age disability. They were Ambrose Banks, admitted to the home from Des Moines, and Mrs. Elizabeth H. Mickey, admitted from Mason City.

Fire At Chicago, North Western Roundhouse Here
Serious damage to the roundhouse of the Chicago and North Western railroad was narrowly averted this morning when sparks from a fire in an engine cab ignited the roof at the west-end of the roundhouse.
Quick action of railroad employees and firemen kept the loss from exceeding $100.
Sunday afternoon sparks from a Great Western locomotive started a grass fire near the Shell filling station on highway 30. Firemen quickly extinguished the blaze.

If you know your history from the Dust Bowl Days, you should have heard/read about the winter of 1936, which also broke snow fall and temperature records in Iowa.

Postal Receipts Here Maintain Steady Levels
Only Few Hundred Dollars Behind Year Ago, Spite Blizzards
Heavy Gains In Daily Receipts During First Of This Quarter

Another barometer of business conditions, postal receipts, maintained a high mark in Carroll during the first six months of this year despite the severe cold spell, which greatly reduced receipts during January and February.
Postal receipts for the first half totaled $15,403, only $549 behind receipts for the first six months of 1935, figures from the post office showed.
At the present time, daily postal receipts are running far ahead of a year ago, the postmaster reported. Receipts for the first two weeks of this quarter are several hundred dollars ahead of receipts for the corresponding period of last year.
Receipts last, month were more than $500 ahead of the corresponding month a year ago.
Figures are on the postal receipts by months for the first half of 1935 and 1936 follow:
Postal receipts at the Carroll office by months for the first half of 1935 and 1936 follow.
1935 1936
January $3,431 $2,811
February 2,333 2,110
March 2,455 2,602
April 2,754 2,669
May 2,772 2,485
June 2,207 2,746
Total $15,952 $15,403

Roosevelt To Discuss Flood Control Today
President Leaves This Evening For Vacation Voyage

Hyde Park, New York (AP) President Roosevelt agreed today to receive a group of eastern states representatives to talk flood control before leaving on a vacation in North Atlantic waters.
He will leave tonight by special train for Rockland, Maine, to board the 56-foot schooner, Sewanna.
The flood control conference was announced as the day's business.

July 13, 1936 front-page
Huge Industry Visioned From Plant to Distill Alcohol
By NEA Service

Atchison, Kansas - Years of talk about alcohol-bearing motor fuel are crystallizing here into a group of buildings, huge tanks, and intricate machinery.
What is expected to be the first of 500 "power-alcohol" plants strung across the farm belt is nearing completion, and the fuel will be on the market soon.
The Chemical Research Foundation, incorporated after the World War to take charge of certain foreign and industrial patents, is directing installation of the alcohol plant here. But it owns none of the plant, which is being built under the name of the Bailor Manufacturing Co.
Orders are already on hand, reports Dr. Leo M. Christensen of the Foundation, to absorb the 10,000 gallon-a-day capacity of the factory. It is estimated that this will utilize the production of 50,000 acres of farm land.
Such crops as sweet potatoes, artichokes, corn, rye, wheat, oats, barley, molasses, potatoes, and soy beans are the commonest products used in making the alcohol.
The industrial alcohol obtained by distillation of these products is denatured with fusel oil and other lubricating media, and then blended 10 or 20 per cent with regular automobile gasoline.
Value of such blended gasoline compared with regular motor fuel is still in dispute. But should it be generally adopted and the Atchison plant be only the first of a country-wide chain of such plants making fuel-blending alcohol from farm products, it is expected that three things will be accomplished:
1. Employment for up to a million or more men.
2. Utilization of surplus grain supplies and a wider market for farm products.
3. Conservation of the rapidly dwindling reserve supply of petroleum.
The nearly-complete Atchison plant will also leave a byproduct from corn, consisting of protein cattle feed. It will market its product through filling stations throughout Kansas, Iowa, and South Dakota. In the last-named state, alcohol-blend fuel is already being used to some extent in automobiles.
The aim in establishing a string of plants similar to the one at Atchison, is, of course, to eliminate freight rates in shipping the grain and farm products to the plant and in distributing the fuel.
Dr. Christensen sees the possibility, if a fuel of 10 per cent alcohol blend should come into general use, of jobs for 1,000,000 men and a market for the product of 25,000,000 acres of farm land.

Violence is also nothing new

Numbers And Letters Cut On Girl's Skin
Victim Says She Was Mutilated For Running Out Of Plot
Was Supposed To Help Free Charles Luciano From Jail

Washington (AP) Henna-haired Jean Bell's story that a "killer" mutilated her and left her to die after she "ran out" on a promise to help free Charles "Lucky" Luciano, vice overlord, from Sing Sing prison, resulted today in a wide search in New York City for the man she named.
Detectives said that a man answering the description of the torturer, who caused the cryptic numerals "3-12" and the initials "CL" on her body and then tried to kill her by gas, had left Washington on a New York bound plane at 4 a.m. Sunday.
They expressed confidence that he as well as a companion, whom the girl described as the possible "finger man" in the plot, would be picked up soon in New York.

Boastful Indian Hangs For 33 Minutes From Gallows Before He Dies For Murder
Body Hits Side Of Trap As Trigger Is Sprung By Executioner
Pint-Sized Killer Had Boasted He Would Die "Like An Apache"

San Carlos, Arizona (AP) Boastful Earl Gardner, pint-sized Apache Indian, three times a killer, hanged from a government gallows for 33 minutes before he died at dawn today, while armed men stood as a warning to tribesmen not to interfere.
Gardner, 31 years old, who insisted that the government hang him for killing his wife and infant son and boasted that he would take it "like an Apache," met a horrid death.
His body struck the side of the trap as the trigger was sprung. It dangled there while the helpless victim groaned and kicked.
Those directing the execution talked once of dropping him again, but decided against it.
Every minute for fully 20 minutes the attending physician made an examination and shook his head.
The trap was sprung at 6:06 a.m. It was 6:39 when Gardner was pronounced dead.
The government's improvised instrument of death was an old rock crusher used in the construction of a dam.
The rope was swung from a cross beam and a hole was cut in the floor for a trap.
The noose slipped as Gardner fell, the knot moving around in front and snapping his head backward and to one side.

Now let's move forward to now - here are just 2 situations of violence in July 2022.

Science and politics of convenience and selective outrage.

Woman attacks Bodega clerk in New York, New York - no charges, then her ex-felon black boyfriend attacks the Bodega clerk (Dominican immigrant) and the clerk is thrown in jail with outrageous bail set. Not until immense public pressure did the DA first lower the bail and finally drop all charges.
All because the woman's Government subsidy EBT card was rejected when she was trying to buy a snack.

July 21 attempted assassination - Rep. Lee Zeldin Correctly Predicts Attacker Would Be Released From Jail David Jakubonis, 43, was arraigned on Thursday night in Perinton Town Court on second-degree attempted assault from holding a bladed weapon, stemming from the attack on Zeldin, a Republican running for governor in New York. He was released on his own recognizance.

Now let's look at dozens of past predictions by so-called experts and scientists...all of which never occurred, were completely distorted, or proved to be a lie.
1. 1970: Ice Age By 2000
2. 1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
3. 1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989
4. 1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
5. 1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
6. 1972: New Ice Age By 2070
7. 1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
8. 1974: Another Ice Age?
9. 1974: Ozone Depletion a Great Peril to Life
10. 1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
11. 1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes
12. 1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
13. 1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
14. 1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
15. 1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018
16. 1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
17. 1989: New York City's West Side Highway Underwater by 2019
18. 2000: Children Won't Know what Snow Is
19. 2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don't Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
20. 2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
21. 2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
22. 2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
23. 2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
24. 2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to 'Save The Planet From Catastrophe'
25. 2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
26. 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015
27. 2014: Only 500 Days Before 'Climate Chaos'
28. 1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
29. 1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
30. 1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
31. 1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
32. 1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 90s
33. 1980: Peak Oil In 2000
34. 1996: Peak Oil in 2020
35. 2002: Peak Oil in 2010
36. 2006: Super Hurricanes!
37. 2005: Manhattan Underwater by 2015
38. 1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
39. 1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
40. 1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
41. 1970s: Killer Bees!
42. 1975: The Cooling World and a Drastic Decline in Food Production
43. 1969: Worldwide Plague, Overwhelming Pollution, Ecological Catastrophe, Virtual Collapse of UK by End of 20th Century
44. 1972: Pending Depletion and Shortages of Gold, Tin, Oil, Natural Gas, Copper, Aluminum
45. 1970: Oceans Dead in a Decade, US Water Rationing by 1974, Food Rationing by 1980
46. 1988: World's Leading Climate Expert Predicts Lower Manhattan Underwater by 2018
47. 2005: Fifty Million Climate Refugees by the Year 2020
48. 2000: Snowfalls Are Now a Thing of the Past
49. 1989: UN Warns That Entire Nations Wiped Off the Face of the Earth by 2000 From Global Warming
50. 2011: Washington Post Predicted Cherry Blossoms Blooming in Winter

Articles from the 1960s to present

Some of my thoughts about the "dirty 30s"
I remember visiting with my Great-uncle Herman Grau decades ago during the 3-year drought cycle of 1975 through 1977.
Herman told me that not even the little creek going through the Grau farm dried up during the 1930s.
During the 1970s drought, the smaller creek through our farm dried up and was grassed out like a waterway by 1976...then for 2 weeks the main creek going through Manning stopped running in 1977.
But I have several perspectives on this.
Back in the 1930s, there were few if any tile lines, and most sloughs/wetlands were still around, so there would have been more of a ground water reserve in the soil.

But one thing that stands out with my great-uncle is that he said if they would have had the chemicals, fertilizers, and the hybrid varieties of corn we have today vs. the open-pollinated corn back then, that they would have had better yields.
Then fast forward about 10 more years when we started no-till in the 1980s.
Based on my experiences with plowed ground, then conservation tillage, and finally with no-till that we started in the early 1980s, the dust storms and severe heat back then would not have been as bad since the soil would NOT have been barren and black with no residue to hold the soil, keep in the moisture, and also to reflect some of the sun's heat that residue on the surface would have done.

BUT the biggest disadvantage would have been the open-pollinated corn in the 1930s.
Now with the hybrid varieties we have today, with drought, disease, and other resistance built-in, that would have made the most difference.
Some people first rejected the hybrid corn and I read one time how some nations like France rejected this new technology so people died from starvation before finally accepting the hybrids.

BUT nature still rules and if you have 100 degree temps for a week or more with little to no rainfall and little ground moisture - crop failure would occur no matter what types of farming practices are being used.

The Hottest Summers Were Long Before SUVs
The summer heat this year (2020) wasn't even close to 1936.
"The 1930s were really when the terrible heatwaves were," says Tony Heller of RealClimateScience.com.
Heller is an environmentalist who, as an electrical engineer, helped develop the modern computer microprocessor. His website has become a collection of weather history which shows it was a lot hotter 90 and 100 years ago than it is now.
"The claims that summers are getting hotter are simply not true," Heller said. "During 1936, 21 states had their all-time temperature records, and none set them this year."
In the 1930s most of the nation saw temperatures over 100 degrees. Without air conditioning, it was common for families to sleep outdoors.
Many thousands died, and what would become known as the Dust Bowl forced the migration of three and a half million climate refugees out of the Great Plains and Midwest; many of them to California.
Heller said, "Places like Wisconsin were seeing temperatures of 114 degrees. North Dakota saw 121 degrees. 100-degree temperatures were very common in the Midwest prior to about 1960, but since 1960 they've become much less common."
Wildfires Down 90% From the 1920s and 30s?
But what about wildfires? News reports suggest they're getting a lot more common. But the record shows wildfire burn acreage is down 90% from the 1920s and 30s.
One reason wildfires seem to have increased is that the wildfire data before 1983 has been erased.
The website of the National Interagency Fire Center used to show how wildfires were much worse in the 1920s and 30s. That has been removed. The reason given by the National Interagency Fire Center? "Prior to 1983, the federal wildland fire agencies did not track official wildfire data using current reporting processes."
So now, when the media visit the website, it shows wildfires steadily getting worse.
Heller also documents how NASA has changed its historic weather data. NASA's temperature graph from 1999 showed the warmest temperatures in the early 1900s.
Sometime later NASA's graph changed and now shows U.S. temperatures getting warmer.
The "Weaponization" of the Climate
Joe Bastardi, Chief Forecaster at Weatherbell.com and the author of The Weaponization of Weather in the Phony Climate War, says catastrophic weather events such as Hurricane Ida are used to show a climate emergency when hurricanes just as strong hit this continent hundreds of years ago.
"It is astounding, what you see going on today as far as the weaponization of each and every weather event," Bastardi says. "Climate does change. The weather is always changing. It's the very nature of our creation…change and reaction. What I do mind are people with a one-sided perspective that won't give people the total picture."
This "Climate Emergency" is Costing You Money
But this isn't just a debate about the weather. It's costing you money. The sweeping "Green New Deal" proposed by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could cost as much as 93 trillion dollars, and most of us are already paying more in taxes because of the belief in a climate emergency that some say doesn't exist.

Every day I hear politicians and their puppets in the media tell me and others how white people (especially older "white" males) are bad and racist and phobic, and how terrible the United States of America is.
This has been going on for decades but was much more subtle - NOT anymore.

Most white people never started this war of words, at least most of the rural Americans who are white, but the elite liberal white people who sit in their big-city bubbles open their big mouths all of the time.
Eventually those of us who don't believe in this reverse-racism and lies are going to have to speak out and fight back.
We need to defend and point out all of the GREAT WHITE Americans who fought and died during the Civil War to save the Union and free the slaves...that was actually one of the most important time periods in the history of the world as it ended the universal acceptance around the world of slavery.

Then there are tens of millions of US citizens today whose ancestors immigrated long after the slave trade era and after the Civil War. Those immigrants and their descendants have no responsibility for slavery. If anyone is owed reparations for slavery it is the white soldiers who died and were wounded during the Civil War along with their relatives and descendants.

Now play a what-if game...What if there was no United States of America.
More than likely the American Indians would have still been tribal - similar to the tribal characteristics of Africa at that time and is still prevalent today in some of the nations in Africa.
If there had been no United States military to fight back against Germany and Japan, the world would definitely look a lot different today.
What if Germany and/or Japan had attacked the American Indian tribes after defeating Europe, Asia, and Africa?

There is NO way to prove any of this would have occurred or how things would have turned out but I do know one thing - that if the United States military had not gotten involved or even existed during WWI & WWII, the world would look a lot different today.
I'm sure some people who hate American will say the world would be a lot better off without the US - well their opinion is no more provable than my examples.
Since the US does exist today, based on my understanding of history - the world is a LOT better off today.

Kangaroo court - the January 6 committee
No legitimate republicans on the committee - No cross-examinations of the so-called witnesses, many of whom are "second-hand" sources (hearsay) which would not be admissible in a legitimate court of law.

Selective outrage by politicians and news media
2020 Riots On Track to Be Most Expensive Ever - MSN website
Over 60,000 officers assaulted in 2020, with 30% sustaining injuries: FBI - ABC website
At least 25 Americans were killed during protests and political unrest in 2020 - Guardian website

January 6 riot
1 killed - an unarmed white female military Veteran shot dead by a black capitol police officer

Liz Cheney Says Her Warmonger Father 'Deeply Troubled' About GOP and Country - Rollingstone website

2017 Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R, Illinois) came on CNN with Wolf Blitzer who asked Kinzinger point blank: What can be done to remove this regime? Kinzinger then replied by calling outright for US airstrikes to "Take out the Assad Regime in Syria", including "cratering their airstrips so no planes can take off" and creating a "No Fly Zone" over Syria. - 21stcenturywire website

The Crocodile Tears Flow From Adam Schiff and Adam Kinzinger During First Day of Sham Capitol Riots Hearing - republicandaily website

Biden calls climate change a 'clear and present danger' as he tries to find ways to take action - CNN website

First of all, it is worth bearing in mind that any data on global temperatures before about 150 years ago is an estimate, a reconstruction based on second-hand evidence such as ice cores and isotopic ratios. The evidence becomes sparser the further back we look, and its interpretation often involves a set of assumptions. In other words, a fair amount of guesswork. - Newscientist website

Climatologist John Christy: "The Science Is Not Settled"

Follow the money
Remembering "Solyndra" - How Many $570M Green Energy Failures Are Hidden Inside Biden's Infrastructure Proposal? - Forbes website
Solyndra - filed for bankruptcy in 2011 after running through more than $1.2 billion in funding

Who is benefitting from the Green Deal?
Businesses looking for the "free" grants

Who is paying for and ultimately going to have to repair the damage created by these idiots? - the US taxpayer!

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