I seldom bid on picture postcards on E-bay because I have most of them anymore, but when there is a message on back or if it might be a better original than what I've previously
scanned, then I'll bid on them, IF the price is reasonable.
I have several scans from this particular postcard but since it has a family name and message on back I decided to bid on it.
At this point I haven't connected Adam & Heinrich Fink to William & Orval Fink (Manning family), but I'm working on it...
Since Manning had 3 different railroads, all with passenger service back then, it might just be Heinrich Fink was traveling through or maybe had some business here, but
it is still very interesting and another small piece of the over-all Manning historical puzzle.
1914 - forms used to pour the huge concrete pillars that now support the trestle bridge.
Message written on back in German - translated by Dennis Barten
Mr. Adam Fink, Delmont, South Dakota
Manning, 23 January 1916
Dear parents and siblings, I want to briefly inform you that perhaps this week but certainly early next week I will come home; don't know myself just which day.
We have at present rather warm weather, the snow is almost completely gone. With greetings to all, Heinrich
I found these 2 images on the Internet and will contact the source to see if they can help with this Fink family.
Adam Fink
John Henry Fink
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