Bill Oppeman's IH 915 caught on fire

From the Sandy (Luetje) Hunter {Kuhse} collection

Back 7: Amos Kusel #1, Harold Schroeder #3, George Opperman #7
Middle 7: dark face probably George Kuhse, hidden face?, ??, ??, Hugo Hansen, ??, John Musfeldt, Jr.
Front 3: Alvin Kuhse, Glenn Kuhse, ??

Jay Musfeldt memories and IDs: In the middle row are two men both holding onto a whiskey bottle. The one on the left facing the picture is Hugo Hansen and the one on the right is my Dad, John Musfeldt, Jr. Dad worked for Emil Opperman as a hired man for a time.
I'm guessing this picture was taken at the end of the threshing season. A party with adult beverages was often the way of celebrating the completion of that threshing ring for the year. In our ring the beer was the responsibility of any participant who overturned a rack full of bundles during the season.