Thanks to the information Connie found for me and what I have in my database, I was able to find/confirm that Robert Rostermundt of the MHS class of 1941 has passed away...but more importantly I found out where he is buried and also hope to get in contact with the Rostermundt family through a funeral home site.
But for now here is the struggle it takes for me for just one Manning connected Veteran's information for use in the future Manning Veterans book.

I already had a number of military pictures and some information about Robert's service from a decade or more ago, but thanks to Connie's research, I now know where he is buried and a little more about his family.

Now there were several Rostermundt families in Manning but I haven't had time or have enough obituaries to determine if/how they are all connected.

Every little piece of the Manning puzzle helps me figure out if I have the correct family/person.
Here is one of a number of items Connie found for me.

Harry Rostermundt WWI registration card

Next Connie found various census and other databases that started to connect family names, which showed me they are the correct Rostermundt family in Manning.

Harry Paul Rostermundt 1895 - 1975
Buried Highland Memorial Park, New Berlin, Wisconsin
Wife Augusta A. Rostermundt 1893 - 1987
Buried with her husband
Children: Dorothy, Helen, Ruth, Robert

Parents of Harry: Nicholas and Johanna (Claussen) Rostermundt

Next Connie & I found Robert's burial site and this information.

Robert H. Rostermundt December 16, 1923 - May 9, 2018
Buried Central Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery, King, Wisconsin

Daughter: Diann Marie (Rostermundt) Oyan August 30, 1948 - May 11, 2023
Buried Lake Edge Lutheran Church Memorial Garden, Madison, Wisconsin

Daughter: Jodi L. (Rostermundt) Onder December 7, 1953 - May 10, 1999
Buried Wheaton Cemetery, Wheaton, Illinois

Next I searched my database and had this information.
The WWII Monitor articles came from the scrapbook of my 3rd cousin, Marilyn (Grau) Rostermundt.
As a little girl out on the farm, to keep busy, she clipped out the WWII articles from the Monitor and made a scrapbook.
In 2002, I scanned, OCRed, and between my mother & I we proof read and corrected the formatting errors and then I posted them on my Veterans' page.
Here are the articles about Robert from Marilyn's scrapbook.
Sadly, I keep losing my Manning helpers, when Marilyn passed away in 2017.

Manning Monitor article------ 1944

Robert Rostermundt Promoted
A Ninth Air Force Fighter Base, England. Robert Harry Rostermundt, 20, of 115 Sue Street, Manning, has recently been promoted to sergeant from corporal.
Sgt. Rostermundt, an armor with a Ninth Air Force unit, was graduated from Manning high school in May 1941.
He was a die setter for the Martin Bomber Corp., Omaha, Neb., prior to his induction March 13, 1943.
Sgt. Rostermundt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rostermundt of Manning.

Manning Monitor article------ 1945

Rostermundt in Thunderbolt Unit
A First Tactical Air Force Fighter Bomber Base, France. Sergeant Robert Rostermundt, 115 Sue St., Manning, Iowa, is currently serving with a First Tactical Air Force P-47 Thunderbolt unit, which celebrated its first Christmas overseas at an advance base in France.

This outfit, strafing and dive-bombing enemy fortifications in the path of the American Seventh Army, provides close air support. Although dive-bombing is the primary function of the group, 53 enemy aircraft were destroyed and 23 were damaged since its arrival in the ETO.

Besides preparing for the landing in France, a number of red letter days stand out in the history of the group. The dawn-to-dusk invasion cover, the low level, pin point bombing of German gun positions, the elimination of over, 800 enemy troops near Cherbourg, the destruction of six F. W. 190's, and 200 vehicles in two days.

In the ten months since the group left the U. S., Sgt. Rostermundt has received the ETO ribbon with two battle stars for the Air Offensive of Europe and Normandy campaign.

Bob Rostermundt Writes From France
France, 1944.
Dear Sir:
I want to take this time in thanking you and the American Legion for sending me the Monitor which I have always received despite the difficulties of overseas shipment.
I greatly enjoy reading the home town news and especially enjoy the Se Service Men's Column, which enables me to keep in contact with must of the fellows; which otherwise would be impossible.
Thanking you again, Bob Rostermundt.

Observed First Anniversary With Fighter-Bomber Group
A Ninth Air Force FighterBomber Base, France. Sgt. Robert H. Rostermundt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rostermundt, 115 Sue street, an airplane armorer, recently celebrated his first anniversary overseas with a Ninth Air Force fighter-bomber group, commanded by Colonel Bingham T.; Kleine of Gonzales, Texas.
The fighter group flew its first mission from English bases, moved to the continent soon after D -Day and since then has coordinated in dive bombing and strafing attacks ahead of the American First, Third and Seventh Armies.

Sgt. Rostermundt was inducted into the army March 13, 1943. Since going overseas he has received two battle stars to the ETO Ribbon for participating in the Air Offensive of Europe and the Normandy Campaign.
He was graduated from Manning high school in May 1941, and was formerly employed by Martin Bomber Aircraft company in Omaha.

Returns Home With Five Battle Stars
Sgt. Robert Rostermundt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rostermundt of Manning, surprised his family Monday when he arrived home unannounced and carrying his discharge papers after being in uniform 33 months.

Entering service March 13, 1943, Robert was overseas with the 404th fighter squadron, 371st fighter group a total of one year and nine months. He received his honorable discharge at Fort Sheridan, Ill., Dec. 10. 1945.

During his career he earned the right to wear five battle stars for campaigns in Normandy, Northern France, the Rhineland, Central Europe and air offensive over Europe.
He also has the victory medal, good conduct medal and a presidential citation.

So based on this information, I was able to compile a fairly nice write-up about Robert's service, along with his serial number and enlistment information that Connie found previously. BUT I'm hoping to get in contact with the Rostermundt family to see if they have more pictures and information to add to his story...

Serial Number 37665375; Enlisted Camp Dodge March 13, 1943
Robert entered the service March 13, 1943. He was overseas with the Ninth Air Force 404th fighter squadron and 371st fighter group for one year and nine months, serving as an airplane armorer. The fighter group flew its first mission from English bases, before moving to the continent soon after D-Day, where they were coordinated in dive bombing and strafing attacks ahead of the American First, Third, and Seventh Armies. They flew dawn-to-dusk invasion cover and low level, pinpoint bombing of German gun positions that eliminated over 800 enemy troops near Cherbourg and the destruction of six F. W. 190s, and 200 vehicles in two days.
They were based out of the First Tactical Air Force Fighter Bomber Base, France, with the First Tactical Air Force P-47 Thunderbolt unit. The primary function of this unit was dive-bombing, although 53 enemy aircraft were destroyed and 23 were damaged since its arrival in the ETO.
Robert was awarded five battle stars and the ETO Ribbon for campaigns in Normandy, Northern France, the Rhineland, Central Europe and air offensive over Europe. He also received the Victory Medal, Good Conduct Medal and Presidential Citation. Sergeant Rostermundt received his honorable discharge at Fort Sheridan, Illinois, December 10, 1945.

Also in 2002, I discovered that there was a box of WWII/military pictures stored in a closet in the VFW hall so I scanned them.
Later Dan Peters put them in a scrapbook and took it to the Manning Library for display.
In 2014, I decided to rescan them with my newer and much better scanners/software. When I did this I discovered that someone took these 7 family related pictures from that scrapbook. So I wasn't able to make newer scans from them. If the thief had only asked, I would have been able to provide them digital scans.
Most people won't help me with Veteran information/pictures but some will stoop to theft and sadly based on my 50 years of experience, I know that these pictures they took will someday get thrown away by the next generation who will inherit them and won't care about keeping them.

7 pix taken from the scrapbook while in the library.

These are the pictures of Robert Rostermundt that were in that VFW box, and the ONLY military pictures I have of Robert.
Actually, the ONLY military pictures I have for quite a few WWII Veterans came from this VFW box of pix or from Non-relatives of those Veterans.

This wonderful picture of Robert in the Thunderbolt unit is just one of several pix from the VFW box.

Sometimes I digitally restore/repair the pictures I scan, but haven't had time yet to fix this one.

Based on the old grade school in the background, I checked one of my old Manning phone books from 1931 and sure enough, the Harry Rostermundt family lived at 115 Sue Street.
These old phone books are invaluable for my historical research, so if anyone has old Manning phone books, please get them to me so they'll be preserved and so I can use them in situations like this...

Robert Rostermundt - on the west side of Sue Street

I mentioned finding pictures in other people's scrapbooks of what may appear to be a non-relative but in this case I now know there is a family connection.
This picture below came from Albert Claussen's collection - another Manning helper who has passed away.
If he were living I would be asking him a lot of questions, since I now know he was related to Robert Rostermundt through the Claussen side.

This is why I BEG and PLEAD people with Manning connected pictures and information to get their stuff to me to scan - more than likely they'll have pictures of non-family members who probably aren't identified but because of my years of working with old Manning pictures and the extensive database I have, I may be able to ID them and will be able to use them in my many varied history projects.

Robert Rostermundt holding what appears to be inactive bombs.
From the Al Claussen collection I scanned in 2012.

Now as I mentioned previously in this feature story above, Robert graduated with my mother and Rozora, so here are some pictures and information about their school days.
I won't repeat some of the pictures and the graduation list that is featured in Rozora's story, but there are a couple with Robert I'll show here, along with some other information about his time in school.

This first picture is from my mother's collection 1938 Junior High

Won 11 Lost 4 Front: Harold Christie, Bobby Kuhl, Amos Lohmeier, Ludwig Hammer
Second: Frank Miller, Bob Rostermundt, Jim Rowedder, Lyle Schrum, Coach Jack Hall
Back: Harold Neal, Wayne Witt, Frank Bliefert, Lyle Hoffmann, Warren Petersen

From Norma Dietz & Orlo Nissen collections
1931 on the steps of the old grade school

Back: Harold Ruhde
Second: Orlo Nissen, Keith Wunder, Willis Grimm, Dale Bingham, Wayne Barnes, Daryl Mohr
Front: Bob Rostermundt, Jim Rowedder, Milo Voss, Lyle Hoffmann, Wayne Witt, Warren Petersen

Back: Milo Voss, Orlo Nissen, Gene Strathman, Wayne Witt, Warren Petersen
Third: Daryl Mohr, Betty Grelck, ??, Lyle Hoffmann, ??, Norma Dietz
Second: Dale Bingham, Wayne Barnes, Donavieve Anderson, ??, Louise Kuhl, Viola Rostermundt, Dorothy Dethlefs, Ruth Schelldorf
Front: Keith Wunder, Bob Rostermundt, Anetha Graves, Lorraine Kuhl, Mary Jane Fritz, Patricia Lawbaugh, Joyce Hunter, Jim Rowedder

Back: Dale Bingham, Lyle Hoffmann, Keith Wunder, Daryl Mohr, Robert Rostermundt, Warren Petersen, Gene Strathman
Middle: Betty Grelck, Anetha Graves, Ruth Schelldorf, Lorraine Kuhl, Norma Dietz, Viola Rostermundt
Front: Donavieve Anderson, Louise Kuhl, Joyce Hunter
These are the students of the class of 1941 who started together in Kindergarten.

1939 - 40 Basketball

Back: #29 Frank Bliefert, #14 Lyle Hoffmann, #13 Dick Ohm, Lyle Arp
Middle: Roger Eich, Harold "Dutch" Hoffmann, Daryl Mohr, Melvin Kusel, Wayne Schrum
Front: #11 Gene Strathman, #6 Robert Kuhse, #4 Jimmy Rowedder, Albert Claussen, #5 Robert Kuhl
Robert Rostermundt manager kneeling

Back: Warren Petersen, Melvin Kusel, Gale Moore, Frank Bliefert, Harold Nickum, Richard Ohm, Burdette Schroeder
Third: Wallace Kruse, Francis Zerwas, Elvin McConnell, Jimmy Rowedder, Wayne Schrum, Lawrence "Bud" Nickum, Dick Morrell, Amos "Skip" Lohmeier, Coach Jack Hall
Second: Gene Strathman, Bobby Kuhl, Robert Kruse, Ivan Opperman, Lyle Arp, Labert Stahl, 25 Jack Ramsey, Don Ramsey, Carl Carlson
Front: Harold Christie, Robert Rostermundt, Ludwig Hammer, Robert Ramsey

School articles

I'm including this picture & article since Robert Rostermundt's dad, Harry, was the fire chief.
September 25, 1941 Manning Monitor

Reading from left to right are Captain Fields, Eugene Shipp, Ivan Opperman and Sam Wiese raising Vincent Lyden in the three-man lift demonstration to move injured people. Captain Meister is shown conducting the demonstration, standing beside the lung.
Many Towns Represented Over 500 At Fire School Demonstrate Iron Lung

A representative crowd estimated at between five and six hundred attended the Inter-County Fire School held Monday of this week. Chief Harry "Friday" Rostermundt and his men, left nothing undone to make the school one of the biggest held anywhere this year and one to be long remembered.

The evening crowd, made up for the most part of visiting firemen, represented nearly every town in this section of the state within a radius of 50 miles.

One of the chief features of the school was the Iron Lung demonstration by Captains Ben Meister and Eugene Fields of Omaha. The men brought the iron resuscitator and an inhalator from Omaha in their special red truck, early Monday morning. During the day these men gave a demonstration at the high school auditorium to members of the grade and high school and to students and teachers from surrounding rural schools. Students, as you may see from the picture, took a part in the work. The Omaha Captains explained the use of the apparatus and showed how the hung would breath for an individual stricken with paralysis and unable to do so through his own efforts.

The iron lung, weighing nearly six hundred pounds, can be operated by hand if power should be cut at for some reason. At the evening demonstration Mr. Field gave a demonstration in artificial respiration, corresponding to the mechanical lung, a practice which may save a life while waiting for a doctor to arrive.

The lung is so constructed that nurses are able to care for the patient as though he were on a bed. The apparatus may be tilted to accommodate the patient. Port-holes on the army attendants to care the lung patient.

Leo "Biz" Miller of Denison, resident of the latter county group, opened the meeting with Harold Grundmeier acting as secretary. The assembly joined in singing "God Bless America" led by the Falstaff entertainers of Omaha who were present to entertain. Mr. Arthur Rix, President of the Chamber of Commerce, gave the address of Welcome. Short talks were also given by Mr. Rostermundt, local fire chief and by Harry C. Reinholdt of Manning, recently elected Secretary-Treasurer of the State Firemen's Association. Acknowledgement was given to M. McCallam of Eagle Grove and Mr. W. Hedges of the Atlantic department, vice presidents of the organization.

Mr. Edward K. Johnson of Manning, one of the oldest if not the oldest volunteer fireman in the state of Iowa, was given recognition.

In an hour long demonstration, Captain Meister gave an interesting and worthwhile talk on how the iron lung was obtained in Omaha, the work of the rescue squad and told of many cases on which the men were called on to work.

He commented on the work of the local department in the interest shown and complimented the rural farm fire truck committees for their activity in obtaining the equipment they now have and their interest and willingness to start a drive for an iron lung for this vicinity. The men on the farm fire truck committee are Otto Popp, Hans Musfeldt, J.W. Anthony, Herman Lamp, George H. Struve and August Nulle.

At the conclusion of the demonstration, Captain Fields gave a talk on National Defense and the part Iowa Firemen have to play will have a duty to perform, should Everyone, according to Mr. Field, this nation take up arms.

At the close of the business meeting an invitation was issued for all to visit the basement of the opera house where the "eats" committee had a real banquet of chicken and all the rest on hand for everyone present. Several hours of sociability were enjoyed before the meeting closed.

The committee in charge of the school included Chris Schmidt, Ed Jensen, Howard Dau, Everett Dau, and Harry Rostermundt.

Hopefully this feature will encourage more Manning connected Veterans to work with me on their military pictures and stories.
Also, any Rostermundt relatives/descendants are encouraged to contact me so I can work with them on old Manning pix & history they may have...

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