Re: Dunnick-Capdevielle
Re: Dunnick-Capdevielle -- Terence Kelley
Posted by: David Kusel
Sat, Feb 01, 2003, 19:35:14

Hi Terrence,

Please go to page 2 of The Manning Exchange.
Read the threads by Roger Markley and David Kusel.
There is a detailed record of the Dunnicks buried in Manning under those threads.
Also links to the Dunnicks who served in the military.

I just e-mailed Roger Markley about some more details on what he has about the Dunnick family tree and as soon as I get it I will post it here.

I would guess that Cornelius Dunnick (Manning's civil war Veteran) is the one you mentioned being a prisoner.
If so I would appreciate any information you have about Cornelius' time in the Civil War and family information about him.

Here are the Capdevielles buried in the Manning Cemetery.
Section E row #6 south - north

Joseph P. Capdevielle August 16, 1911 - October 28, 1984
Elsie Schulz September 21, 1913 - September 28, 1983

The records of the Trinity Lutheran Church (which is SE of Manning) lists a James Capdeveielle baptism in 1945.
Also an Elsie Schulz and Hilda Schulz being confirmed in 1928.

The information you have posted is exciting because I did not know about the Dunnick/Capdeveille connection.

Dave Kusel

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