Re: Spack family Iowa

Delete this post Submitted by David Kusel <> on 11/Dec/2011 in reply to Spack family Iowa posted by Lynda Thompson-Spack on 27/Oct/2011


Hello Lynda,

I assume you found the Spack family history on page 294 of the Aspinwall Centennial history book.

Clifford Spack's obituary is on this web page.
It lists his parents as Micheal and Emily (Dieber) Spack.
The Centennial book lists his father as being born in Germany September 15, 1887.

It appears this could be the Micheal/Michael you are looking for.

I currently don't have any direct contact with Clifford's family but will post your request on my main web page. Hopefully one of the Spack descendants will contact you and be able to help.

Dave Kusel

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