Back in 1917 Bessie Dunnick was a member of the Manning High School Class in Manning.

MHS Class of 1917

Winford Addison

Bessie Dunnick

Henry Grelck

Edward Gronert

Edna Halbur

Blanche Hays

Alva Hockett

Roy Lawbaugh

Velma Lewis

Nola Long

Ralph Moser

Edna Mottei

John Ohde

Martha Rohr

Helen Ruge

Lester Wiese

Fortunately for those of us interested in Manning History today, Bessie collected pictures and information on several of her schoolmates during WWI.
She saved military pictures of Winford Addison, Neal Dunnick, William Dunnick & Roy Lawbaugh.
She also kept several pictures of Manning Sports teams and the Manning Band.

Roger Markley (Bessie's grandnephew) had these pictures and information handed down to him and we are fortunate that he kept them and did not throw them away as has been done so many times before by people who don't have an interest in preserving history.
Roger recently found the Manning web pages and graciously offered to scan the pictures and information and send them to me by e-mail so I could put it on the Internet for others to enjoy.

I wonder how much information and photos are "hiding" out there that have not been thrown away (yet)??

If you have pictures and information on Manning History please consider working with me to get your information/pictures added to Manning History web pages so it will be preserved for future generations to enjoy.
E-mail Dave Kusel

Manning Tigers around 1917

Back row Left to right: 3rd man is William Dunnick
Second row: 4th man on the far right is possibly William Dillingham
Front row: 2 men
The Manning Tigers were a community Ball Team.

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