2002 color view below ---- 1916 MHS Football

Neal Dunnick lined up at Left End position --- has a shadow from the goalpost across his face.
Row of men standing in back: Henry Wiedeman, ??, Coach Lee (wearing hat), Ralph Moser, Robert Emmons

Henry Grelck (Captain -- Left Half Back), Ralph Moser (Right Half Back), John Ohde (Full Back), Edward Gronert, (Quarter Back), Neal Dunnick (Left End), Marvin Meyers (Left Tackle), Robert Emmons (Left Guard), Roy Lawbaugh (Center), Jay Bingham (Right Guard), Orlo Schelldorf (Right Tackle), Edwin Dethlefs (Right End)
Substitutes: Dean Curtis, Henry Wiedeman, Sinclair, Lyden

On the upper black & white photo --- The Manning Water Tower is on the upper left.
Notice the original Manning Electric Plant in the background with the 2 tall smoke stacks.
The dark building just on this side of the Electric Plant was the Herman Hagedorn building.
Herman is father of Ralph Hagedorn. Herman's building was torn down and the lumber was used to build the present day American Legion Hall on that same location.

Back Row: Coach Leslie M. Lee, Edwin Dethlefs, E. Wayne Sinclair, Vincent Lyden, Neal Dunnick, Dean Curtis, John Ohde, Ralph Moser, Robert Emmons.
Front Row: Austin Navin, Henry Weidemann, Ed Gronert, Orlo Schelldorf, Henry Grelck with Bulldog, Roy Lawbaugh, Marvin Meyer, Jay Bingham.

Notes from Art & Ila Rix about the football players --
Ed Dethlefs
-- father Peter Dethlefs
Neal Dunnick -- died 1920 father John Dunnick
Dean Curtis -- father worked at a Manning bank --- siblings are Paul, Max, Art, Rebba
John Ohde -- father Jacob Ohde
Ralph Moser -- brother to Marie McGrath
Robert Emmons -- father O.W. Emmons - siblings Floyd, Florence, Clarence, Jennevieve -- family moved to Salem, Oregon
Austin Navin -- according to Art & Ila Rix there was a Casey Navin
Henry Weidemann -- his sister was wife of Henry Brunnier
Orlo Schelldorf -- father William who had Schelldorf Drugstore
Roy Lawbaugh -- father was Milwaukee Depot Agent
Marvin Meyers -- brother to Alfred Meyers


football player shown above

After a struggle against sickness extending a day over twelve weeks, E. Wayne Sinclair died Saturday at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sinclair at the Park Hotel. It was on Thanksgiving day that he took sick and was at once taken to the Carroll hospital where he, was operated on to get relief from an attack of appendicitis. The operation was successful, but it soon developed that he was suffering with tuberculosis of the bowels. Other operations were performed but of no avail. About two weeks ago he was brought home where every medical skill and attention was given him, although there were practically no hopes of recovery.

E. Wayne Sinclair, son of L. E. Sinclair, of Council Bluffs, was born at Neola, Iowa, October 18, 1900, and was at the time of his death 16 years, 3 months and 29 days old. Ever since the death of his mother, when he was but a baby, he had made his home with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sinclair. To them the shock of his death was a severe blow.

The young man entered the Manning High School last year, and proved himself to be a good student. He took an active, part in the social and athletic affairs of the school and was becoming popular not only with his classmates but with his teachers.

Sunday, when the body was taken to the train for shipment to Neola where burial was to take place, a number of the students of the high school gathered at the depot to pay their last respects of their departed friend and classmate.

Burial will take place beside the body of his beloved mother, Monday, at 9 o'clock.

The young man besides leaving a father, a half brother, a half sister and a stepmother, leaves his, grandparents to deeply sorrow over his early departure of his life. His suffering is over, and his life was such to entitle him a place with the chosen ones on high.

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